Craft Runner

Craft Runner is an endless runner in which the player builds a path for the main character, instead of controlling him directly. The main character will automatically jump over any 1 block high obstacles. The player has to build bridges, stairs or springboards to help the character navigate through the level. The player has access to three different blocks they can place: A wooden box that’s affected by gravity, a metal box that keeps floating and a spring board that will bounce the character upward. These buildings cost resources, so the player has to make sure to pick up new resources from the level so they don’t run out.

This game was made for the game development minor at the Rotterdam School of Applied Sciences. For the first assignment, we were part of a 5 person team, consisting of two developers, two artists and a desgner and we had to create a mobile game in 6 weeks. I was one of the developers, and it was quite fun to work together in a team. Despite some hiccups at the start of the project, we quickly settled into a nice rhythm and managed to finish the game without much trouble.




Forest of Frequencies