Forest of Frequencies

Forest of Frequencies is a game in which the player uses music to lead spirits back to their lost bodies. The player has access to a sort of “radio“ that they can use to tune in to frequencies. Each one of these frequencies has a specific purpose, namely putting enemies to sleep, luring the spirit, searching for the spirit or their body, or turning the radio off. The player will need to use these songs strategically to lead the spirits and avoid enemies.

This was my second project for the game development minor at the Rotterdam School of Applied Sciences. In this project we had a larger team of 16 and we had to make a PC game in 14 weeks. For this project I had the position of technical director. My job was to oversee the development team. This project was significantly more difficult than the previous one. A larger team ment it was more of a challenge to make sure everyone was on the same page. We definitely went through a lot of turmoil to even come up with an idea, but we did eventually manage to create a game.


Craft Runner